Monday, August 18, 2014

July 28, 2014

Dear Mom,
Thanks for sending me the stuff. Yes, we can cook and the water is clean.The Peruvian in our house still boils his water even though we've been told it is ok. As far as food. eggs, a whole ton of eggs. we have a little stove so the occasional pancakes and hamburgers but mostly cereal and eggs. There is no Lider store within our limits but theres a big super market called Unimart which is kind of like a Harris Teeter. I make sure to eat a lot of fruit and drink lots of water because for lunch we eat with members and I feel like they have no idea what water is. We ask for water but they either come back with peach juice (very big down here) or soda. 

One of our investigators got robbed twice this week.  She is still close to being baptized. 

I will be attaching emails of the whole house and my companion.  I can get a bottle of protein powder down here but it cost like almost 80 dollars.  

This week was tough, nobody wanted to let us in the door.   

We had a baptism this week. when I say we I mean our ward. Felipe was married to his wife (less active) and was baptized yesterday. I got to sing a special number to welcome him into the ward. And Katherine came to the service. she really wants to be baptized but she just has to get her own place first.  

I think other than seeing somebody feel the spirit (which is by far the number 1 coolest thing as a missionary) my second favorite thing is just being able to lift! its like for a hour im back in the weight room at Great Bridge Stadium. 

Elder Ospina loves the dog dazzer. he uses it to make the dogs at the house we knock shut up because everyone down here has a dog. 

Time for the funny story of the week. 

We are eating lunch with a family and the zone leaders. Two super chill bro kinda guys. were talking with the family and they ask me if im related to the owner of the company "Watt's" which is a big fruit, jam, juice company down here.  

Anyways the word for owner in spanish is dueño, but the word for dream is sueño so i misheard and im just saying to myself.. "i am the dream of the campany..?"  

So the zone leaders, a guy on his last 6 weeks and a guy who's been out over 18 months finally have pity on me after laughing histerically while I mutter to myself. they say "Hey... it means owner", when the realization hit me i just turned to the hermana and in the most humble way possibly said real slow like "No es mi familia"  Now whenever i say anything mildly dumb I am refered to as Kronk from Emperors New Groove.

Well! there ya have it!  Everyone ereading this please know that I love you and that God loves you Infinitely more. All my best! 

Elder Watts



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